Monday, December 10, 2007

Q. What is the relationship between an author and an audiobook narrator?
I probably have the longest ongoing relationship, author-wise, even though we've never met face to face, with Janet Evanovich. Janet has sent me lovely e-mails and autographed books saying "You are Stephanie Plum!"
I've recorded nine of the Stephanie Plum novels, and would love to do them all. There have been rights problems with various different companies. Some play nice and give others a shot at it; others say, "No, it's just ours." I think there's been 13 written so far.
Q: Is it hard for a stage and commercial actor to excel at narration?
I actually do one-woman shows. Creating a universe of characters, for me, is a fairly natural extension of my training as a stage actress. Even as a little bitty kid I would do speech tournaments. Maintaining a voice that is fluid and plastic and communicates well has always been personally important to me.
Q: How do you prepare for a studio session?
I read the entire book in advance to myself. Then if there are tricky, difficult names and pronunciation, I will make a separate little research list. Those are judgment calls I let the studio make. The kind of research I would do aloud: Let's say there are three policemen, all guys, in one scene. How am I going to make all their voices different? I might practice that out loud.
Q: How long does it take to record a book?
A good rule of thumb would be three times the number of finished hours. If a book is a 10-hour listen, it takes 30 hours in the studio. If you're very accomplished, it takes 18 to 20 hours.
Q: What sort of direction do you get when you're recording?
Usually the actor just plunges and makes their start based on reading it and preparing it in rehearsal. Then the director comes in and monitors it: "Oh, that was too harsh ... I think you're coming on too strong here ... Without selling anything, I want you to put a little bit more here ..."
They also pay attention if we need a drink of water, or we all need to have lunch because our stomachs are grumbling. They are good mommies.
Q: Do you actually hold a copy of the book in hand?
It's all printed out. There might be a few old-timers who like to hold the book, but I think it's nutty because the book crunches and makes noise. I like to have my hands free.
Q: Do you listen to audiobooks yourself?
No, they put me right to sleep!
Copyright © 2007 North Jersey Media Group Inc.
1 comment:
Oh my, I just love CJ, when I listen to her read stephine plum, I really get into it. I really believe all the different people are real. Joe is so cute and sexy with that voice. I just love grandma, I have to give credit to Janet K for writing such a great series and CJ really brings it to life. Lula's voice is great, sounds like a large black women would be. My neighbors name is Lula so when I listen to the story I get a kick. thanks for everything, I just got done with 10 big ones, I was wondering when all those donuts would catch up. Thanks Meesh
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